Review of the show: 'Limitless'

Well, I believe I should provide a preface or an idea of how I watch shows. Slowly, in a more enjoyable way than binge watching. Limitless has just one season, so I won't suggest anyone to binge watch it.
Anyone reading this should not worry about any spoilers in this article. At most, it would include references to the first episode or my opinions on some episodes.
Let's just begin: The show is a sequel to the movie of the same name, but this time the main character is Brian Finch. The show stars Jake McDorman as Brian Finch, an average 28-year old screw-up who gets a nootropic that literally makes him the smartest person alive, and he is immune to its side-effects (which you would find out after watching the first episode). Consequently, the FBI hires him. There's Edward Morra (Bradley Cooper who was the main character of the movie, Limitless) and Rebecca Harris (Jennifer Carpenter) who is a FBI agent.
The show combines the element of comedy, mystery and action being more fun than expected. There's a mystery running across simultaneously, and every character as his/her own ambition. The plot is mainly strong, shows evidence of planning and the actors really play well. The show introduces authentic, interesting facts, for example, "Donor DNA is detected in recipient blood for years after kidney transplantation." which is supported by NCBI. THe show slowly introduces new conflicts and deal with these as the show progresses so keep patient if you think that Rebecca forgot something.
The only disturbing thing I thought was that Brian Finch isn't as cool as Rebecca or Edward Morra. There's sometimes episodes completely drifted away from plot, like the episode 7.
Honestly, it is not as good as 'Sherlock' or 'The Flash -Season 1' but it is surely worth watching.


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