Quit Watching The Flash?

Note: This message is endorsed by Baqar and comprises mainly of opinions. The views may not be universally accepted.

Well, honestly that is a question I think about whenever I feel like I need to watch a show. The Flash is a show I began watching last year, 2017's May. Apparently, the main reason I preferred Flash over Arrow was because I saw Flash's Season 1 on my television while Arrow's Season 4 (which is the lamest according to most people) used to play through a mysterious channel on my television. I signed up for an iflix account and had access to all 3 seasons. Without a shadow of doubt, I would suggest that its first season is worth watching, one of the best shows. The first season has a real mystery, significant problems, character development, amazing crossovers, light humour and much more than just a guy running at super-speed fighting crimes.
However, the second season was not that appealing, it was a bit satisfactory but not touching and the third season was terrible. After watching half the third season I left it because it had no consistency in plot, it was way too sentimental, emotional, I mean if I wanted a mystery with emotions I would have preferred Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars. All the characters in season 3 are always acting childish, they are stubborn and more involved in arguing with each other than fighting villains. The new additions to the team were disappointing. Well, as my colleagues used to watch it so I continued watching it after a while, four months precisely. On the contrary, avoiding all spoilers, I can only say that they really nailed the end of season 3, it was way too cool.
This fact provoked me to watch season 4, after watching about 6 episodes and the Crisis on Earth-X crossover, I can say the only thing I think about is how worse could it get? Seriously, the crossover villains were super lame, the Nazis were really too polite and preferred shooting in air, than enemies. Also, season 4 has this irritating villain who claims to be super-smart and simply does nothing, I mean a slightest hint of his plan could have caused my curiosity to continue watching.
Honestly, when the Flash started I loved the fact that one could simply do things, make a difference without being a meta-human, and they ruined this ideology afterwards. Also, I admired their fight against racism, I liked Iris, Wally and Joe's character, though they later became irritating characters. There are way too many kisses, I mean when watching a superhero show, anyone would prefer action, adventure over the emotional, sentimental talks happening in the show. The worst thing is the 'Team Flash', it isn't as cool as it used to be. In the end I would just say that there are some shows worth watching, and Flash isn't one of it. Try something other, The Mentalist or Dexter probably would be cooler.


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