
 Entertainment is a topic my brain constantly revolves around, but what is entertainment?

In our society, entertainment is more often than not perceived as a form of visual media - it could be television shows, YouTube videos, or Instagram Reels. Though it could also encompass other digital domains such as auditory media (music) or graphics (memes, aesthetics, etc.). However, this isn't the only thing. Entertainment could be any sports - or is that called passion nowadays - or outdoor activities such as concerts, travel, or food. But my stance is, is that all?

As a society we have developed the notion that entertainment or enjoyment has to be something conspicuous, something clearly visible to the general public. It has to be evident. It has to be something flashy that others could see, evaluate and label as socially acceptable. However, if entertainment is meant to bring joy to an individual or a group of specific people, why should it undergo a senseless metric developed by seemingly random architects?

Entertainment could be anything, it could begin from dancing at a concert with thousands of people to reading about your favourite topic in solitude. It could be eating a savoury dish at an exquisite restaurant or simply watching the sunrise and wondering where the birds derive their energy from.

My viewpoint here is that we have turned into a community that is not conducive towards solitude or freedom. We reject those who drift astray from the mainstream, we label those passionate in their own worlds as "not cool", and support those who indulge in seemingly meaningless activities. It is an ordinary human's desire to rise up in the social hierarchy, and most spend their time forcing themselves to do things they otherwise might never do. My point is not that one should not try new things - naturally, one should always be open to ideas and be willing to go to great lengths to form a remarkable notion into a habit - but to simply commit activities because everyone does them is utterly pathetic. What is cool today may not attract any attention tomorrow. What is good today will be bad tomorrow. What is bad today will be good tomorrow. What will these people do then? What will they do when their entire lifestyle that was built solely to amplify their social status would be rejected only because it was adopted by many?


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