Observation: Blame
As a society, we have a natural tendency to blame and to complain. Whoever, I meet up with, whatever we may talk about, wherever we may be, the conversation ends up complaining, blaming someone or something for whatever undesired happens. But why?
Why do we tend to do
so? Why do we tend to highlight all the problems even though they are already
apparent? Why do we often blame our incompetence upon others rather than
accepting the blame? Why do we worry about what’s out of our control and spend
a considerable degree of time whining about it? If all of us are fixated on
identifying issues, then who would form solutions?
What motivates this behavior?
Is it a deep rooted cognitive distortion that we are not good enough? Is it a
coping mechanism to shield us from our insecurities? Does forcing others under
the hood of blame, and not yielding responsibility ourselves, protects us from the
tireless process of pain and incessant effort? Does blaming other people or
circumstances foregoes the acceptance of our own limitations?
While I am not skilled
or wise enough to come up with a solution or a guide for others to follow (how
ironic that while blaming others on their incompetence, I myself go unscathed), one
thought-provoking idea I can instill is: the next time you find yourself, or
someone else, mindlessly complaining, think, and start looking for possible
solutions – it might even help you realize how difficult disentangling things
truly is.
Disclaimer: Everything I write is based on my opinions which may or may not be agreeable.
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