My Freelancing Career

NOTE: THIS BLOG CONTAINS THE VIEWS OF SYED BAQAR ABBAS AND MAY NOT BE UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED. ANY REFERENCE TO ANY WEBSITE/EMAIL/ COMPANY /PERSON IS NOT A PERSONAL ATTEMPT TO DISGRACE HIM/HER. IF INADVERTENTLY ANY SUCH STEP IS TAKEN, THE AFFECTED PERSON MAY COMMENT AND STEPS WOULD BE TAKEN ACCORDINGLY. Hey everyone! I just returned out of nowhere but seriously it's been a while since I haven't written anything yet. My point is I bear stories which will make your ears tingle. Recently, I just came up with an idea that money is the ultimate key to happiness (not recently actually), and I already know the best way for an O-Level student to earn at home is freelancing. I had already made an account on about 6 months ago so I knew the basics, like bidding, contests and other stuff. Previously, I wasn't really successful and did not receive any tasks or earned any cash, primarily because it were my first attempts and I lacked professionalism which the ...